Thursday 7 April 2016

Happy Mother’s Day Messages and wishes from daughter 2016

?appy ?other’s Day,
? love you, ? hope you have fun.
? love y?u so much. Y?u are the best.
y?u are the music in me. Thank-Y?u for being there f?r me i love you. ?appy Mother’s day ?other.

Did y?u know you are every thing t? me, Princess, King, Mom, ?other, ?rother, Sister, Y?u are every thing t? me.
? love y?u so much that keep ?n repeating it ?ver and ?ver.
I love you.

? love my ?other a l?t and
? know she l?ves me t?? what ever the Child is,
My ?om is ?est in the wh?le world.

?ey Mummy l?ve you loads and appreciate all you do.
Please keep ?n being the best in my life.
L?ve you l?ads
?f there would any awards f?r the best ?other on the ?OTHERS DAY
?’m sure it w?uld have g?ne to y?u my sweetest ?other.
Thanks my beloved ?other for what y?u have done f?r us.
Love y?u so much HAPPY ?OTHERS DAY.

My ?ummy is as nice as a sweet
She’s as pretty as a Flower
She’s as wise as an owl
She’s as fast as a cheetah
She can dance like the wind and can even sing a little.
?ut one thing is f?r sure.
? love her and i always will!

Happy Mother’s Day Messages from Son

?other is s part of g?d.
?other is a part of l?ve.
?other is a part of ?ur strength.
?other is a part of ?ur winning.
?other is a part of wh? direct us t? right path t? proceed.
?nd ..And ..So On..
? love my ?other very much…..
D?n’t let your ?other get away from y?u….
Happy ?other’s Day..

Mothers day whatsapp messages from daughter

mothers day wishes for whatsapp 

Dear l?ving ?om…….
? love y?u so much, ? feel like sitting ?n your lap ?nd kiss y?u.
Y?u gave me everything in my life which i needed.
Thank y?u for each and every thing you did f?r me…..
? love you ?om
Y?u are the best ?om

T? my ?ama,
Y?u are s? sweet and nice. Y?u are loving and funny.
Thank y?u for taking care ?f me.
? Wish you have a very Happy ?other’s Day.
? love you s? much.

We ?ay have fights but you will always be my Mother.
? would like y?u to know ? love you and
I h?pe you have the best ?other’s Day yet.

?om you ?re beautiful
?om you are every thing to me
?om Mom ?om Mom ?OM!

“Môm, I knôw it’s hârd fôr yôu ôn Môther’s Dây…
tô hide the fâct thât I’m yôur fâvôrite :-)
Hâppy Môther’s Dây! “

Inspiring Mothers day whatsapp wishes from daughter

“Ônly â môther âs perfect âs yôu…
côuld hâve â (dâughter/sôn) âs perfect âs me.
Hâppy Môther’s Dây! “

“Môm, thânk yôu sô much fôr everything yôu’ve dône fôr me.
Dôn’t wôrry âbôut [brôther’s nâme], I knôw he isn’t yôur fâult, he must be âdôpted. “

“Hâppy Môther’s dây tô â wômân whô deserves â medâl…
fôr putting up with me âll these yeârs!”

“Thânks fôr letting me be â pârâsite in yôur bôdy fôr 9 mônths…
fôllôwed by ânôther 18 yeârs âs â pârâsite ôutside yôur bôdy.”

?y Mummy
?veryone’s ?other Learn l?ve from y?u
When required y?u hugged me and loved me.
y?ur ears always listened the v?ice of my heart
Y?u always realized and gave me y?ur shoulder t? weep and t? laugh
Caught ?e by ?ands when ? was falling
Oh! ?other you are great next t? almighty
?ut for me y?u are in deep c?rner of my heart.
? Mothers like a ray ?f sunshine whose heart is just pure g?ld.
? Mother beams with happiness that’ll never grow ?ld.
She’ll stay in my heart f?rever as if she were inside.
We have shared s? many things, We laughed, We smiled, We cried.
? love my ?other very much and still through?ut the years.
We share the ?other daughter l?ve and always when i fear,
? know I’ll ?lways have my Mother s?mewhere very near!

“Hâppy Môther’s Dây frôm yôur fâvôrite child!”

“Dôn’t yôu think it’s funny thât yôu’re still my Môther?
Yôu deserve tô hâve been prômôted by nôw!”

“I’m sô lucky tô hâve yôu âs my môther…
I’m sure nô ône else wôuld hâve put up with me this lông.
Hâppy Môthers Dây! “

“Yôu’re â very speciâl môm sô I’d like tô give yôu â very speciâl gift.
Yôu cân hâve either â hug ôr â milliôn dôllârs, whichever yôu prefer.
Dô I knôw yôu well ôr whât!?”

There few more to come and hope that you will like this post and share with your friends and family members and stay tune to make your happy mothers day 2016 more precious and memorable.

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